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Hi, my name is Dr. Charles . I've dedicated my life to help others achieve the type of weight loss success that I know is absolutely possible, despite what the so called "experts" tell us all.
The first thing that I'd suggest doing is checking out this inspiring personal weight loss story above by clicking here. In it, you'll learn about how Lori lost 85+ pounds and changed the direction of her life ( The pretty lady next to me above is one of my favorite patients, Lori. )
Click the big button above and you'll be able to watch it. Be sure to watch the video from beginning to end, because at the end I talk about some critical components to making the steps work longterm, which is what we're all after.
Click one of the links below for a FREE weight loss video presentation...
Men Click Here for your FREE video presentation on how to quickly burn stomach fat and build lean muscle using this 1 somewhat strange tip.
- Weight loss Programs for Men -

Women Click Here for your FREE video presentation showing a unique method to lose inches off of your waist, butt, and thighs in as little as 3 days.

Weight loss Programs for Women -

Congrats, you have registered for your FREE copy of The Food Factor.
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Looking forward to teaching you all the weight loss strategies that we've learned throughout the years!

After you've watched the video, scroll down the page below and fill in your details to get a FREE copy of our "Food Factor" book sent immediately to your email.
Also, feel free to contact us anytime by clicking the "contact us" link on the top left hand side of the page, if not just to say "hey" or ask us any questions. I'd love to hear from you, and I'm sure Lori would as well.
Here's to the NEW you!

Dr. Charles D.C.
Licensed Chiropractor, Wellness Professional, and Author of The Fat Loss Factor

1 WRONGIt's genetic that I'm overweight and I can't change it no matter how hard I try.
Being fat is not genetic. True, your entire family may be overweight but it doesn't mean that you have to be. There are success stories all the time of people overcoming their "genetics" and possibly increasing your chances of rapid fat loss. Just watch the TV show "The Biggest Loser" (google it if you've never seen it) It is full of people who have overcome their "genetics".
Want to know a sort of secret? Your genes do not control your weight... your lifestyle does. Your genes are like a light switch, you can turn them on and off depending what you do with your life. Don't be a victim of yourself and everything that you hear!

2 WRONGI will never lose fat fast because I have an over eating problem.
Most over eating is due to STRESS. People will eat when they are nervous, worried, sad, depressed, anxious, scared, etc.
This is a very common problem facing our society and there is a simple solution. Manage your stress. We dedicate a giant section of the book to this problem alone.
One easy way to lose weight quickly without actually doing ANYTHING physical or to your diet, decrease your stress levels.
When your stress levels are high, your stress hormones sky rocket which make you hungry. For many, it can be harder to control your portions, to stop emotional eating, and stop binge eating...
Guess what types of foods we all crave? Sugary, fatty foods. This is because that is what your stress hormones are made of and your body needs more fat and sugar to make more stress hormones. This is a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

3 WRONGFad diets can keep the weight off permanently.
If you want to lose 10 pounds or even lose 20 pounds, diets like these WILL work for ashort amount of time. Over 80% of dieters will gain back that weight plus more in 5 years. What's even worse is that you will lose muscle so when the weight comes back, it comes back as FAT. Think about this for one second. These are by far the most popular diets forrapid weight loss BUT our society gets more overweight as each year passes.
The truth is, fast weight loss comes from a diet that works and is easy to follow. We will teach you a very simple method that will get you losing fat pounds and not muscle or... water weight. You will be able to repeat this program again and again for the rest of your life!

4 WRONGI don't have time to fix healthy meals and workout!
I can't promise you that this program will take no time. That's a lie. The fact is, you will have to spend some time on yourself. (You owe it to yourself, your friends and your family to be the best you possible) Believe it or not, the energy that you will get from working out andeating healthy save you time!
Workouts wouldn't take more than 30-35 minutes 3 days a week.
A lot of our quick weight loss meals take less than 5 minutes to prepare and eat.
If you are smart and pre-plan, It will take less than 1 minute.

5 WRONGSit Ups and Crunches Will help me to lose belly fat.
Want to know how to lose belly fat? Not the old- fashioned way or with those junky, gimmicky ab machines we've all seen on late night tv. Crunches will never burn fat, just build the muscle underneath it, pushing it out further.
The truth is, we believe you can actually lose belly fat MANY times faster by utilizing these whole body exercises instead of targeting your abs...

6 WRONGI have to give up my favorite foods and eat like a rabbit.
That's what we've all been trained to think... but some so-called "junk" food can actually give your metabolism a BOOST. What that means to you is that you can actually lose weight fast by eating foods that you may think are junk! Now, the trick is to know when to take advantage of it, which we I'll show you.

7 WRONGI'm fat because my thyroid is making my metabolism slow.
Thyroid problems are not uncommon, especially among women. Your thyroid is the primary control center for your metabolism. It releases hormones that control your metabolism. If it goes haywire, your metabolism slows to a halt and you can kiss rapid fat loss goodbye.
So how do you lose weight with hypothyroidism? The key lies in eating the right type of foods for your thyroid and purging toxins out of your system.
Best weight loss programs
I'm here to tell you that the food industry is lying to you. There are many "safe" food additives on the market that really are NOT SAFE!! These food additives are literally making you sicker, robbing you of your youth, and making you gain weight by sabotaging your body's natural mechanisms.
Some food additives are man-made, synthetic chemicals used to preserve foods, make them taste better, add supposed nutritional value and get this... THEY BYPASS YOUR HUNGER MECHANISM MAKING YOU CRAVE MORE AND EAT MORE FOOD!
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): This is a man made sweetener that is cheaper to produce and to some, can be sweeter than sugar.
When HFCS is ingested, it travels straight to the liver which turns the tasty, sugary liquid into FAT. The "strange" thing is HFCS does not cause the pancreas to produce insulin (acts as a hunger quenching signal to the brain) So our bodies are "tricked" into a vicious cycle, eating food that gets immediately stored as fat and never feeling full.
It is associated with blood sugar problems, ADD/ADHD, depression, fatigue, B vitamin deficiency, indigestion, tooth decay, and most importantly... WEIGHT GAIN
HFCS is found in Yoplait™ yogurt (and any other flavored yogurt for that matter), salad dressings (especially the lite and low calorie versions), Special K™ cerial (which is supposed to be a healthy cerial), Nutra Grain bars, and even whole grain "healthy" breads!
Be sure that you always READ YOUR LABELS because, as you can see, the so-called "healthy foods" may be labeled as healthy because it puts more money into the mega rich corporation's pockets.
To learn more about which foods may be preventing you from losing weight, click one of the links below for a FREE video...
Men Click Here for your FREE video presentation on how to quickly burn stomach fat and build lean muscle using this 1 somewhat strange tip.

Women Click Here for your FREE video presentation showing a unique method to lose inches off of your waist, butt, and thighs in as little as 3 days.

Dr. Charles D.C-Licensed Chiropractor, Wellness Professional

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